
The right to your dream. The means to achieve it.

Dream On Coaching Executive Coaching programs are tailored to the needs of individual business leaders or of their organization as required. Our working partnerships are built on respect and trust. Objectives are defined and mutually agreed. Progress is measured against clearly defined benchmarks. Problems, obstacles and conflicts within the team or organization are identified and resolved; areas of stress are mediated.

All Dream On Coaching assignments are tailored to the needs of each individual client. The 4 examples set out below are typical of recent assignments.

Increasing executive motivation and improving performance

Increasing executive motivation and improving performance - Dream On Coaching

Developing self esteem. Understanding personal potential. Defining and attaining personal objectives. Concentrating on important tasks. Identifying tasks that should be handled by others. Delegating...


Improving interpersonal relationships

Improving interpersonal relationships - Dream On Coaching

Improving cooperation with coworkers. Communicating more effectively. Creating cohesion. Combating feeling of isolation. Handling conflicts. Improving coworker satisfaction. Learning to trust colleagues...


Improving team performance and working relationships

Improving team performance and working relationships - Dream On Coaching

Defining a management style — Leader, Manager or Specialist. Improving decision making. Gaining the team's confidence. Identifying their expectations. Teaching team members to speak out. Turning a collection of talented but directionless individuals into a highly performing team. Encouraging initiative...


Securing the Future of the Organization

Securing the Future of the Organization - Dream On Coaching

Ensuring survival in a volatile environment. Facing reality. Communicating the challenges facing the sector and the organization. Understanding the urgent need for change. Preserving the organization's values...